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    译文: 在被一个非常详细的复合图像,我们也关注一些皮肤修饰在广泛的范围内,充分的身体形象的完美。您将学习如何颜色皮肤和背景,并使一切都混合在一起使用的调色板。本教程还介绍色彩理论,以及如何使用颜色对你有好处。有许多事情要考虑,在创建图像时,颜色是一个很大。 原文: On top of being a very detailed composite image, we also focus on skin retouching on a broad scale, perfect for full body images.You will learn how to color skin and backgrounds, and make everything blend together using a color palette. This tutorial also covers color theory, and how to use colors to your advantage. There are many things to think about when creating an image, and color is a big one.