
02.引用 vs 灵感(02.Reference vs Inspiration)

03.呈现101(03.Rendering 101)

04.速度造型1(04.Speed sculpt 1)

05.速度造型2(05.Speed sculpt 2)

06.速度造型3(06.Speed sculpt 3)

07.速度造型4(07.Speed Sculpt 4)


02.缩略图设置(02.Thumbnail Setup)

03.缩略图1(03.Thumbnail 1)

04.缩略图2(04.Thumbnail 2)

05.缩略图3(05.Thumbnail 3)

01.缩略图分解(01.Thumbnail Break-Down)

02.精炼01(02.Refining 01)

03.精炼02(03.Refining 02)

04.雕刻与阿尔法(04.Sculpting with Alphas)

05.雕刻的头发(05.Sculpting Hair)

01.灯光和渲染(01.Lighting and Rendering)

02.材料通行证(02.Material Passes)

03.polypaint1(03.Polypaint 1)

04.polypaint2(04.Polypaint 2)

05.纹理通道和详细信息(05.Texture Pass and Details)


02.卓参考(02.Chupacabra Reference)

03.Dynamesh 缩略图(03.Dynamesh Thumbnail)

04.阻挡(04.Block Out)

05.速写(05.Sketch Book)


02.主要形式和基本形状(02.Primary Forms and the Basic Shape)

03. 刺和牙齿(03. Spines and Teeth)

04.头部和耳朵(04.Head and Ears)

05.爪子和接头(05.Claws and Joints)



02.提炼和基本颜色(02.Refine and Basic Colors)

03.雕刻与阿尔法1(03.Sculpting with Alphas 1)

04.最后雕刻通(04.Final Sculpting Pass)

01.构成的概念(01.Posing Concepts)



04.材料通行证(04.Material Passes)

05.构成和转置(05.Posing and Transpose)

06.最后通(06.The Final Pass)


  • 软件 : Zbrush
  • 文件总数:43
  • 收藏 举报
  • 爱给网提供海量的Zbrush资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的02.主要形式和基本形状(02.Primary Forms and the Basic Shape), 本站编号31884311, 该Zbrush素材大小为52m, 时长为32分 55秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为airyart, 更多精彩Zbrush素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    We will focus on creating a digital maquette that can be used for creating a illustration as well as a 3D print. The first maquette will be a bust, a portrait sculpture that shows the head and shoulders of the character. For the second project we will be creating a full body design. I will be sharing the same process I use when designing creatures and characters for film projects.We are gonna be developing characters and creatures from the field of Cryptozoology. Cryptozoology refers to the search of animals whose existence has not yet been proven. Some examples of these myths and legends included Bigfoot and Lochness Monster.The first character we will be designing is the legendary Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman. The Yeti is an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan egion of Nepal, and Tibet. Yeti first emerged as a facet of Western popular culture in the 19th century.The second character we create will be based on the legend of the Chpacabra, which literally means “goat sucker”. The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1995 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile, and even being spotted outside the Americas in countries like Russia and The Philippines. It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.