1. 介绍和项目概述(1. Introduction and project overview)

2. 3ds 最大界面概览(2. 3ds Max interface overview)

3. 在视区导航3DS Max(3. Viewport navigation in 3ds Max)

4. 创建项目文件目录(4. Creating a project file directory)

5. 处理3在个文件3DS Max(5. Handling 3d files in 3ds Max)

6. 修改渲染模式和选择(6. Modifying render modes and making selections)

7. 使用变换工具和子对象模式(7. Using the transform tools and sub-object modes)

8. 修改对象使用修饰符(8. Modifying objects using modifiers)

9. 分组和养育子女(9. Grouping and parenting)

10. 建模概述(10. Modeling overview)

11. 添加参考图像(11. Adding reference images)

12. 建筑使用样条的机身(12. Building the fuselage using splines)

13. 使用多个样条建立样条笼(13. Using multiple splines to build a spline cage)

14. 整理的机身(14. Finishing the fuselage)

15. 创建使用框建模技术的通风口(15. Creating the vents using box modeling techniques)

16. 平滑的通风口(16. Smoothing the vents)

17. 建筑的翅膀(17. Building the wings)

18. 整理的翅膀(18. Finishing the wings)

19. 建模风机罩(19. Modeling the fan enclosures)

20. 建模的风扇叶片(20. Modeling the fan blades)

21. 整理风扇组件(21. Finishing the fan assembly)

22. 创建尾巴翅膀(22. Creating the tail wings)

23. 模型飞机内部(23. Modeling the aircraft interior)

24. 建模的座位(24. Modeling the seat)

25. 建模的驾驶舱控制台(25. Modeling the cockpit console)

26. 模型飞机控制(26. Modeling the aircraft controls)

27. 建模的控制基础(27. Modeling the control base)

28. 利用对称性和镜子(28. Using symmetry and mirror)

29. 建模的炮塔(29. Modeling the gun turret)

30. 建模数据透视力学的炮塔(30. Modeling the pivot mechanics for the turret)

31. 模拟飞机座舱盖(31. Modeling the aircraft canopy)

32. 建模的起落架(32. Modeling the landing gear)

33. 建模的着陆机制(33. Modeling the landing mechanisms)

34. 建模的起落架液压系统(34. Modeling the landing gear hydraulics)

35. 进行最后的修改(35. Making the final modifications)

36. 设置该停机坪(36. Setting up the landing pad)

37. 材料概述(37. Materials overview)

38. 添加简单的材料(38. Adding simple materials)

39. 对对象应用多个材料(39. Applying multiple materials to an object)

40. 展开你 Vs(40. Unwrapping UVs)

41. 应用表面质地特征映射(41. Applying texture maps)

42. 使用专业地图(42. Using specialty maps)

43. 探索精神射线材料(43. Exploring mental ray materials)

44. 使用板岩材质编辑器(44. Using the slate material editor)

45. 投影纹理(45. Projecting textures)

46. 索具概述(46. Rigging overview)

47. 建筑控制飞机(47. Building a control for the aircraft)

48. 图解视图(48. The Schematic View)

49. 组织图层与场景(49. Organize the scene with layers)

50. 创建自定义参数(50. Creating custom parameters)

51. 布线参数(51. Wiring parameters)

52. 写你的第一个表达式(52. Writing your first expression)

53. 自动化飞机涡轮与表达式(53. Automating the aircrafts turbines with expressions)

54. 反应经理(54. The Reaction Manager)

55. 总结我们在起落架上的工作(55. Wrapping up our work on the landing gear)

56. 工作中的骨头3DS Max(56. Working with bones in 3ds Max)

57. 逆运动学(57. Inverse Kinematics)

58. 用皮肤修饰符的表面变形(58. Deforming surfaces with the Skin modifier)

59. 动画师友好钻机(59. Animator-friendly rigs)

60. 动画概述(60. Animation overview)

61. 在动画的基础知识3DS Max(61. The basics of animating in 3ds Max)

62. 更有用的关键帧工具(62. More helpful keyframing tools)

63. 编辑跟踪条上的关键帧(63. Editing keyframes on the Track Bar)

64. 曲线编辑器(64. The Curve Editor)

65. 沿着路径针对对象进行动画处理(65. Animating objects along a path)

66. 在飞行序列上启动(66. Starting on the flight sequence)

67. 最后确定飞机动画(67. Finalizing the aircrafts animation)

68. 添加一个镜头的相机(68. Adding a shot camera)

69. 总结我们在镜头相机上的工作(69. Wrapping up our work on the shot camera)

70. 加油线进行动画处理(70. Animating the fueling line)

71. 最后确定飞行序列中预览动画(71. Finalizing the flight sequence previewing animations in)

72. 动力学概述(72. Dynamics overview)

73. 创建粒子3DS Max(73. Creating particles in 3ds Max)

74. 微调粒子行为(74. Fine-tuning particle behavior)

75. 创建粒子碰撞(75. Creating particle collisions)

76. 基本微粒底纹(76. Basic particle shading)

77. 最后确定粒子底纹(77. Finalizing particle shading)

78. 照明和渲染概述(78. Lighting and rendering overview)

79. 光的类型概述(79. Overview of light types)

80. 探索光的基本参数(80. Exploring basic light parameters)

81. 切换3ds Max 渲染引擎(81. Switching the 3ds Max rendering engine)

82. 渲染阴影映射(82. Rendering shadow maps)

83. 光线追踪阴影渲染(83. Rendering raytraced shadows)

84. 适用于现场的摄影环境(84. Applying a photographic environment to the scene)

85. 使用3ds 最大天窗(85. Using the 3ds Max skylight)

86. 使用 mental 材料(86. Using mental ray materials)

87. 最后确定 mental 材料(87. Finalizing mental ray materials)

88. 更改3ds Max 对象属性(88. Changing 3ds Max object properties)

89. 渲染最终序列(89. Rendering the final sequence)


  • 3dmax : 入门
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  • 教程简介:

    译文: 在本 3ds Max 2013 教程中我们会为要使你迅速使用 3ds Max 2013 涵盖范围广泛的主题。你将能够从几个在数字导师的导师学习,当我们走过许多主要部件的软件上,我们将开始通过探索用户界面和找到我们绕过 3ds。 马克斯。然后我们将开始创建我们自己的自定义模型,垂直起降飞机,使用大量的功能强大的建模工具。我们将申请材料和纹理,然后采取它通过索具和动画的过程。我们将完成添加到场景中的粒子效果,呈现出一个好的结果。 一旦你完成本教程,你将有机会接触到广泛的学科在 3ds Max,能够开始工作您自己的项目和建设上你所得到的知识。 原文:  In this 3ds Max 2013 tutorial we"ll cover a wide range of topics in order to get you quickly up to speed using 3ds Max 2013. You will be able to learn from several of the instructors here at Digital-Tutors as we go through many of the major parts of the software.    We will start out by exploring the user interface and finding our way around 3ds Max. Then we will start to create our own custom model, a VTOL aircraft, using a number of powerful modeling tools. We will apply materials and textures and then take it through the process of rigging and animation. We will finish up by adding particle effects to the scene and rendering out a nice result.    Once you are finished with this tutorial, you will have exposure to a wide range of disciplines in 3ds Max and be able to start working on your own projects and building on the knowledge you have gained.