
Substance Painter 输出的贴图于U3D,Unrealengine游戏引擎中的效果


Substance Painter 贴图制作

SP 2017.4.1 更新日志

Added :
[Scripting] Export mesh through the scripting API
[Import] Disable import of unsupported mesh file format (allow only obj, fbx, dae, ply)
[Log] Indicate more precisely the TDR issue in the log file

Fixed :
Crash if application is closed before resources crawling has finished
Crash when opening projects with Smudge/Clone tool
Crash when using redo after an undo of a Shader change in Viewer Settings
[Engine] Texturing differs between Painter 2017.2 and 2017.4
[Viewport] Picking on an ID map from an instance samples the wrong color
[Export] Crash when exporting an invalid normal or occlusion texture
[Export] PSD files have their groups locked when opened in Photoshop CS6
[Plugin] Photoshop plugin ignores channel selection and always export everything
[Layers] Anchors break when copy/pasted across Texture Sets
[Layers] Some anchor’s references cannot be restored if broken
[Shader] pbr-coated secondary roughness parameter is broken
[Steam] Version checker pop-up shouldn’t be visible at launch

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爱给网提供海量的软件插件专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为材质贴图绘制软件Substance Painter 2017.4.1 1981 Mac, 本站编号64432841, 该软件插件专辑素材大小为1.2g, 更多精彩软件插件专辑素材,尽在爱给网。

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资源编号 64432841
文件体积 1.2g