1-介绍和项目概述(1-Introduction and Project Overview)
2-掩盖了我们的现场,我们的图像分成层(2-Masking our scene to split our image into layers)
3-添加到我们的图层的深度,通过改变他们的 Z 位置(3-Adding depth to our layers by changing thier Z position)
4-对相机进行动画处理(4-Animating the camera)
5-使用液化效果进行动画处理的水(5-Using the Liquify Effect to animate the water)
6-添加到我们的场景,特别是与粒子(6-Adding the particles to our scene with Particular)
7-更改相机设置来添加景深(7-Changing the camera settings to add depth of field)
8-添加到场景中为中等深度元素的鸟(8-Adding birds to the scene for a secondary depth element)
9-添加现实相机镜头效果(9-Adding realistic camera lens effects)
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