
  • 其他软件教程 : MARI
  • 文件总数:18
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  • 爱给网提供海量的其他软件教程资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的07_完成初始颜色变化对我们食人魔的皮肤(07_Finishing_the_initial_color_variation_for_our_ogres_skin), 本站编号31869871, 该其他软件教程素材大小为25m, 时长为11分 32秒, 支持4K播放, 不同倍速播放 作者为themusicitself, 更多精彩其他软件教程素材,尽在爱给网。

  • 教程简介:

    In this MARI tutorial we will learn about hand painting textures in MARI for a character model. We’ll begin this process by learning some basics about MARI. Things like bringing in geometry, creating channels and shaders and understanding the concept of the paint buffer. Next we'll begin painting our character by laying down a base color and then building some variation on top of that. We'll walk step by step through adding paint detail on top of paint detail until we end up with our finished painting. We'll wrap this course up by learning a little about color correction and then how to export our textures out of MARI. After completing this tutorial, you will have enough knowledge of this powerful texture painting application to begin painting your own characters without the use of photographs.